do you need a social security number to add an authorized user

Do You Need a Social Security Number to Add an Authorized User?

Adding an authorized user to your credit card account can be a convenient way to share your credit card with a family member, friend, or trusted individual. However, there are questions and considerations, one of which is whether a social security number (SSN) is required when adding an authorized user. In this article, we’ll delve into this topic to provide you with a clear understanding of the process and requirements.

Understanding Authorized Users

1. What Is an Authorized User?

An authorized user is an individual who is given permission by the primary cardholder to use their credit card. This person is not responsible for the credit card account’s financial obligations but can make purchases using the card.

2. The Role of the Primary Cardholder

The primary cardholder is the person who owns the credit card account and is responsible for all charges made on the card. They have control over the account and its management.

Do You Need a Social Security Number for an Authorized User?

1. General Practice

In most cases, credit card issuers do not require the social security number (SSN) of an authorized user when adding them to an account. The primary cardholder provides the authorized user’s name and other relevant information.

2. Building Credit History

One of the benefits of being an authorized user is the potential to build a credit history. However, not all credit bureaus may include authorized user accounts in the individual’s credit report. Even when they do, they may use other identification methods, such as name and address, rather than SSNs.

3. SSN for Primary Cardholder

The primary cardholder’s SSN is the one associated with the credit card account. This SSN is used to assess the primary cardholder’s creditworthiness and establish the account.

4. Exceptions

While SSNs are generally not required for authorized users, some credit card issuers may have specific policies or practices that differ. It’s advisable to check with your credit card issuer to understand their requirements.

Benefits of Adding an Authorized User

1. Convenience

Adding an authorized user can provide convenience, allowing trusted individuals to make purchases on your behalf.

2. Building Credit

For authorized users, being added to an established credit card account can help build a credit history, which can be particularly beneficial for those with limited or no credit history.

3. Shared Finances

Authorized users can share the responsibility of managing expenses, making it easier to track and split costs.


1. Can I add an authorized user to my credit card account without their consent?

No, it’s important to have the authorized user’s consent before adding them to your credit card account. They should be aware of their role and responsibilities.

2. Will adding an authorized user affect my credit score?

Adding an authorized user typically does not have a negative impact on your credit score. However, it can impact the authorized user’s credit history.

3. How do I remove an authorized user from my credit card account?

You can usually remove an authorized user by contacting your credit card issuer’s customer service or using the online account management portal.

4. Can an authorized user request a credit limit increase?

Authorized users typically cannot request a credit limit increase. Only the primary cardholder has the authority to make such requests.

5. Are there any fees for adding an authorized user to my credit card account?

Most credit card issuers do not charge fees for adding authorized users, but it’s advisable to check with your issuer for any specific policies or fees that may apply.


In conclusion, you typically do not need a social security number to add an authorized user to your credit card account. Credit card issuers usually require the authorized user’s name and other basic information. However, it’s essential to check with your specific credit card issuer for any unique requirements or policies they may have.

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